Video Analysis, Conversion, and Enhancement

Video Analysis, Conversion, and Enhancement

Cameras are everywhere, be it your local store’s surveillance cameras, your neighbors’ doorbell, traffic cameras, or the person next to you using their cell phone, and with that, the use of video in court is increasing exponentially. Unfortunately, video can no longer be considered a silent witness, and you can’t always believe what you see. Granite Discovery can help in determining if a video can be reliable, if it has possibly been altered and can convert video files into formats more easily played back on standard video players.


“A picture is worth 1,000 words” and “A video tells no lies.” Both phrases you could trust. Unfortunately, that no longer holds true.  In today’s time, not only can video and images be easily altered and edited to fit any scenario the user sees fit, but the quality, accuracy, and admissibility of videos and images can be largely held in the hands of not only the user but the software and recording equipment alike.

Many questions go into analyzing a video and/or image, such as:

  1. Content
    • What’s happening in the video or image?
    • How are the people or objects shown in the video or image?
  2. Context
    • How are the people and objects arranged in the video/image?
    • How do they relate to each other within the video/image?
  3. Source
    • Are you viewing the original or native file?
    • What’s the reliability of the source?
  4. Image Quality
    • Was the file extracted properly from it’s source?
    • Are there any hiccups or glitches in the video during playback?
    • What’s the resolution?

You may think you’re seeing the whole “picture” but in fact you’re only seeing what they want you to see.



Can’t play a video? Video files come in all shapes, sizes, and file formats. People are most familiar with .MOV, .MP4, and .WMV, but there are hundreds more and they most likely cannot all playback on standard video players. If you’re dealing with .AVI, .MKV, .FLV, .DAV, .DVT or any proprietary file formats that can originate from various CCTV systems, Granite Discovery can help convert those files into formats you can view more easily on your laptop and in court.



Do you have an image of a license plate that looks a bit fuzzy or at a slanted angle? Do you need to slow down or get a frame-by-frame look at what’s really happening in a video? Do you have multiple videos that you want concatenated into one? Or do you have a segment or segments of a video that needs to be redacted or blurred out?

Let Granite Discovery analyze your video/image today and see how we can help you.

CONTACT us today for your free consultation!